My smallest child has asked me to do something out of my comfort zone.
She wants me to dress up for Halloween.
It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. I did it plenty of times when my big kids were little. I was a saloon girl, a cute kitty, and Little Red Riding Hood. I guess, as an older more mature mom now, my frisky and whimsical side needs a serious kick in the pants.
Why does dressing up seems like…well, hard work?
But, I’m willing to make the effort for my three-year-old Kolby. So, I started perusing the Halloween aisle and hunting down some online options. Skanky costumes are out of the question–so that leaves me with very little to look at in the stores. But, I’m on a mission for the Kolbster.
Here is what looks amusing…
Kolby can be Max in our favorite book “Where the Wild Things Are” and Mommy can be the boat.I can be Harry Potter and Kolby can be Hedwig the owl!This would be really funny if I was still Samantha Adams…but now I guess it’s just AWKWARD. Scratch this idea.I just love Bert and Ernie (Even if they are more than roomies now) But these two look a little bit SCARY, so I might need a more family friendly get-up. Kolby could be Rubber Ducky, Faith could be Zoey and Kyle could be the Cookie Monster.
How awesome is this? Tim and Kyle can be Stormtroopers, Kolby can be R2D2, I can be Chewbacca and Faith can be the Princess.Seriously? This family is Bat-Ass. Kyle can be a bad guy and Faith can be Cat Woman.Kyle can get out his old Buzz Lightyear costume, Faith can be Jesse and Tim can be Slinky…Oh yeah!This is exactly what Faith would look like if I made her wear this get up. “Why do you all get to be apes and I have to be the sexy cave girl?”I just had to include this. Wouldn’t this be great as a family theme? Baby T, Momma T, Daddy T, Boy-Teen T and Girl-Tween T… I think this is the one!