Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with dreams or wake up and chase your dreams. The choice is yours…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like COVID has made us all, collectively, a lazier lot. Since the second stay-at-home orders in California, our whole world has been rather…”blah.” There’s nothing to do, everyone is worn out, and we are completely fatigued from the masks, job loss, and political drama.
It makes you just want to go back to bed, pull up the covers and watch Bridgerton for the third time, right?
But as we head into almost a year of this pandemic madness, I’m also hearing more and more people who truly want to emerge from their Covid coma. They want to get back in shape (hello Covid-15) and move forward.
But where do you start?
I’m just putting this out there. Don’t kill the messenger, but morning routines are my jam and I think they hugely contribute to living a healthy lifestyle and keeping a positive mindset when the world is unhinged.
Now I know some of you are like, “Girl, I’m allergic to early mornings. My Keurig might break if I woke up before 9am, and oh by the way, your early morning cheerfulness is totally obnoxious.”
I get it.
And I’ll own it…I am 100% that chick who pisses you off because I wake up with a spit eating grin and raring to go.
My 5:15 am HIIT class will vouch for my hypo happy behavior. Honestly, I can’t help it. After a shot of caffeine and a quick run to the gym I am ENERGIZED! The glazed over looks from my gym buddies don’t deter me from non-stop chatter.
Before most hit the snooze button for the first time, I’ve gotten in a workout, a quiet time, a shower and a protein smoothie.
But I wasn’t always like this!
I used to be the one who woke up exhausted every day because one of my kids barfed or peed the bed or stayed out late (or all of the above) and I struggled to fit in a workout, shower and a quiet time in the day. For years I dragged my gym bag to work and spent my lunch at LA Fitness with a devotional propped on the treadmill, half asleep with messy hair, while eating a processed energy bar. Some days I made it to the gym and met with Jesus. Other days I ended up at Chipotle scarfing down lime chips and tacos.
But life changes, kids eventually sleep through the night, and one day you can actually sneak out of the house and get a workout in before they wake up.
But I had to want it. Like want it bad. Because hitting the snooze button after 20+ years of non-stop parenting was way more appealing. And yes…I’m still parenting an 11-year-old.
But here’s what I realized when I stopped making excuses a few years ago.
If I want God to be first in my life, I actually have to make room for him. I have to give him the first part of the day. In the quiet and in the sacred space of the early morning (and without all the noise) I can listen and engage.
I also want my body to keep going for a long time. I want to be there for my kids and grand kids. I want to be healthy, strong and kick ass at building my business, and I can only do that if I place wellness and self-care high on my priority list. I’ve learned that if I don’t workout early in the day it’s all to easy to make excuses. It’s way more tempting to reach for a glass of wine at 5:30pm than hit the gym for a spin class. For reals.
So here’s how I made the switcharoo to achieve that early bird status:
- Figure out your WHY. Why do you want to get up early and DO that thing you keep putting off and saying you don’t have time for? Define it. Own it. Feel it. Write it on a sticky note in the bathroom. Make a star chart and give yourself a treat when you get 5 stars.
- Create a morning schedule. Physically write down the things you’d like to complete in the morning and set a time for each. Then stick with it. Lay your clothes out the night before. Schedule the coffee machine. Once you force yourself out of bed early one or two weeks consistently, you’ll find it gets easier and easier to do. Also, you’ll be ready for bed earlier and earlier if you hit the gym consistently. I’m lights out by 9:00pm.
- Let the light in. Whether natural or artificial, light tells your brain its time to get up and get going. If your room lacks large windows where you can open the blinds up, consider investing in a timed lamp or alarm clock with a light. My Alexa Show does the trick!
- Prep and eat breakfast. Although there are many of us who chose to skip breakfast, it is key to perking up your energy in the morning. Try prepping protein-focused meals the night before or make a smoothie packed full of veggies, protein and fruit. If fasting is your deal, grab a coffee with MCT oil for energy.
- Get your body moving. Whether it’s a short walk around your neighborhood or a rigorous 5:30 am spin class, getting your blood pumping will help wake up your body and has a ton of other benefits, like stress and anxiety reduction. Repeat with me…less wine, more workout. Less sugar, less chance of getting sick. Less wine …more energy. (Can you tell I’m doing dry January?)
- Feed your mind and soul. Stimulate your brain and do something you enjoy first thing in the morning. Try reading a favorite book, doing a devotional, prayers, journaling, meditation, or setting intentions.
- Last, commit to your new habit. And get ready! You just might fall in love with being an early bird like I did.
What’s your WHY for getting up early?
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