On the cork pin-board at my Happy Place (AKA Starbucks), I noticed a sign –10 Things Happy People Do Differently.
So, I took a picture of it, and elaborated. Because, although I have the eternal joy of the Lord, a few tips on happy never hurt.
Here is what Happy People Do better:
1. They Express Gratitude
When you are grateful for what you have, what you have appreciates in value. My Sr. Pastor Kenton Beshore puts it this way, “Who is the man who is more content –a man with five kids or the man with none? The answer is: The man with five kids, because he doesn’t want any more.”
If you aren’t happy now, you won’t be happy in the land of “IF ONLY…”
2. They Cultivate Optimism
Be the exact opposite of Bella in Twilight. If Edward bails on you, recognize that Jacob is JUST as hot(although nowhere near close to my husband) and move on with your life.
Expect good things to happen and keep your chin up during trying times. Focus on the big picture, focus your eyes on Jesus, pray hard, and think positive.
3. They Avoid Social Comparison
I love this! Ladies, this means sometimes we might need to take a hiatus from Pinterest, Facebook, or Insta (as my kids call it), if we can’t stop the overwhelming feelings of “craft” inadequacy, or “travel” envy, or whatever your issue is…
Remember, MOST people only post their awesome stuff (or occasionally) the really bad stuff going on in their life. All you get is a snippet of their top 10%. The rest of their life is lived in the 80% of normalcy. Don’t compare your normal to their awesome. It’s not apples to apples. Also, I read some statistic recently, that said people lie all the time on social media. Don’t fall for the lie and don’t lie to look better.
Just be You!
4. They Practice Random Acts of Kindness
Helping people always makes you feel better. One great way is to pay for the person’s drink behind you in line at Starbucks!
5. They Nurture Relationships
Happy people have friends. Find a buddy.
6. They Develop Healthy Coping Strategies
It helps to have healthy ways to deal with stress in your arsenal, before you lose it at Happy Hour and turn into Sloppy Sue. I made a Coping List a long time ago when I was a single mom (a word that says it all).
Some of my “go to” ways of dealing with stress are: Taking a walk, hitting the gym, praying, pouring it all out into a journal, calling a girlfriend, reading, watching Little Bear with my toddler, drinking a cup of hot tea, and (now that I’m married) asking my husband to tell me ten times in ten different ways why he loves me.
7. They Forgive
Holding onto anger and unforgiveness only hurts you.
8. They Live “In the moment”
Put your phone down. Interact fully with people. Give your conversation or task all your attention. Be present.
9. They Savor Special Moments
Now that you are focused on the moment, try not to hurry or rush through them. Take mental snapshots of special moments and let yourself FEEL joy.
10. They Commit to Goals
What do you want to do? What’s stopping you? Find a way to work towards what brings you joy. For me, it’s writing, serving my family and glorifying God. If I can do one or all of those things each day, it’s a pretty good day.
What makes you happy?